Here are my carb's pieces using the labels used in the "CV Carburetor Rebuild Guide" on BassCliff's site:
1) At the beginning of the guide, it says references to the "Pilot Air Screw" is actually the "Fuel Flow Screw". Is this referring to what I have labeled as the Air Screw or the Pilot Jet?
2) For what I have labeled as Pilot Jet, does this get screwed in all the way? I can't imagine this is something you have to adjust with since it is inside the carbs but I'm not sure. I assume what I have labeled as the Air Screw is what you start out with being "3 to 3.5 turns out" from seated all the way (as this is accessible outside the carb).
3) For measuring the float height: looking at the examples I've seen, I'm supposed to measure the middle of the float (on mine this is rounded somewhat - I can't tell from the example pictures I've seen whether that's normal or not). I assume I measure from the outermost surface below the gasket to the highest point of the curved section of the float. Is this correct?
On Carb 1, this seems to be right around the 22.4mm spec. I was kind of hoping it would be way off and explain my fuel overflow but I'm only on the first carb so...