FIRST, I checked ign timing other day with a non-powered test lamp, and apparently i wasn't as good of a wrench when i last touched was way off. So while everything was off i took the time to change the points and condensers pending digital ignition since i already had a set. i set the points and and assumed the ATU was good. Need a timing strobe. I suppose i'll have to re-sync the carbs "doh".
I got VM26 jets in the mail today. Four 125's and four 127.5's in case they gotta go richer.
I get the carbs off the bike, drain the bowls and open them up to find that everything looks rather nice, moves free and is super clean. good ole wiredgeorge. Except, i get all the old jets out and start checking them over and i have three #112.5's and a solitary #127.5 from my #2 carb?!

So the specs sit at: #17.5 pilots, 1.5 slides, 5F21-5 (5th slot, richest; may raise to 4), 87 octane gas.
I decided to try the 127.5 mains on first; Figured the richer the better. And with all this ethanol....hmph.
Set fuel screws to 1 turns out, and side air screws to about 1.5 turns out, and it was a very nice improvement over the "mix and match" i had goin' on earlier. Started up with one friggin' kick.
the test drive around the alley proved quite inspiring. I noticed the idle sound also changed dramatically, probably cuz it wasn't exploding out of control halfway down the power stroke. Came home, tuned the pilot to highest idle, and went tearing around chicago for a bit. Holey kamoley that bastige can move! Gotta do some chops to get it tuned in.
Stay tuned for vids.
Gonna go ride a bit.