The problem is with the carbs. The bike came with two banks This is the one claimed to be original and a bike:
It looks like the P.O. snapped off an EZ out in the #4 mixture screw
It also came with another bank of carbs he claimed were off a 1000
The second set appears to be gone through, and has #125 jets, (Bike already has Jardine exhaust, 4-1 header, and K&N Pods taped off about 1/2) It also came with a big box of extra jets, gaskets, o-rings etc.
Cleaned the carb bank 2, removed everything i could, sprayed out all passages, set float level, and.... #3 still pees everywhere. The needle and seat looked good upon dissasembly, are my eyes playing tricks on me? The seats were shiny new brass, maybe a defective one? Would it be advisable to juggle #3,4 and see if the problem follows? It looks like the P/O was aware of this, as the float tabs were bent so as to hold the needle closed under all circumstances.
Also, these appear to be the same carb to me with the exception of the phenolic caps, and different bowl design. On the engine side of the carb the original measure 32mm, where as the newer ones are 31.97 Is this a nominal measurement, or will this slight difference mess things up? Do I need to order parts differently?
Also In my research it was said to use only oem needles and seats, however $39 each sounds a little pricy, is there somewhere else i should be shopping?
I will be going to get a carb dip can, and begin the complete teardown as outlined. Just want it to work on the next re-assembly. Thanks!