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Two questions about putting carbs back on 700EF

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    Two questions about putting carbs back on 700EF

    I had a diagram of my fuel/vent tubes but it came up missing in the two weeks I've taken to rebuild my carbs. I have a vent line that I don't know what to hook to it and a tank line that I don't know where it goes! I have The fuel line from the petcock going to the fuel inlet on Carb 3. I have the vent line on the back of carb 1 going to the petcock vent line. I have a vent line on the front of carb 2 that I don't know what goes there. I have a vent line on the underside front of the tank that isn't long enough to connect to carb 2 and a LONG vent line on the fuel sending unit. I didn't remove any of the lines from the tank so I'm pretty sure that the vent line on the sending unit goes to the bottom of the bike but I don't remember taking the line at the front of tank off of anything or disconnecting a line from the front of carb 2! Anyone know what goes where??? Thanks guys and gals.

    Also, anyone have a vacuum sync gage that they would like to make pay for itself in the mid-Michigan area? Rather give the money to a fellow GS'er than a shop. Thanks!

    Vent line from tank goes to bottom of bike, the other 2 vents just vent under your seat, there are spots for them underneath the airbox clamp. I just bought some 24" fuel line and vented them inder the seat towards the road. Look at Bikecliff's diagram.


      Nother question....

      So, feeliln good bout myself, got the carbs all back together and rigged up a fuel supply to adjust carbs after getting them back on the bike. Started it up and eureka! It runs! Couldn't get the idle down from 3K though. Even with turning the idle screw all the way out. Well fuel suplly was wanted to check my oil level too since it ran for a few minutes. Tipped the bike upright (don't have center stand just side) and gas pours out of the middle of the bike! Has stock airbox so figured out it the carbs were flooding out and dumped a bunch of fuel into the airbox. Makes it hard to figure out where it's coming from too with the stock airbox! Ah well pods eventually. Took the carbs back out. FLoat height seemed fine. Decided to hook up temp fuel supply with carbs off bike to see if I could diagnose better. Well, carbs 1 and 2 are the culprits. The fuel supply appears to fill carbs 3 and 4 (fuel supply line is molded into carb 3 on the 700) and then it seems that some fuel goes into the float bowl on 1 and 2 and then starts coming out of the air passage across from the air jet! I say that only some of the fuel makes it into the float bowl cuz I drained the fuel from the float bowls before taking them apart again, after they flooded, and I only get about 1/3 the gas out of 1 and 2 that I get out of 3 and 4. Any ideas? I was leaning towards float and seat problem, but being that there isn't as much fuel I was doubting. I tried swapping the needles (tho I am pretty positive that I didn't switch them) between 1 and 2 but that didn't help. Ideas? It's SOoooooo nice out. wish I could ride!


        back your mixture screws out on top of the carb on the airbox side 2 turns out from lightly seated and check out highest idle method on the site. If high idle persists then air is leaking somewhere. When fuel leaks from the carbs tap on the bowls with a screwdriver handle, its possible one sticks.


          You're sure the throttle cable isn't hanging up somewhere, holding the butterflys open?


            I think the high idle

            is because of all the gas pouring out of carbs 1 and 2 It didn't do this before I rebuilt the carbs. It does this just hooking them up to a fuel source sitting on the bench. If I solve the carb leaking problem and high idle still persists I'll have to try your suggestions......Anyone have any idea about the fuel leaking out??? Please help!!!


              Make sure you're not holding your aux fuel supply up too high and creating too much pressure. Clamp it off when you're not running.

              Give the float bowls a few "firm but gentle" raps with a stick or something to try to seat the needles. They frequently don't seat fully when starting from dry bowls. Could also be fuel leaking past the o-rings; were they really hard to push in? I put the tiniest bit of synthetic lube on them so they slide in and don't get mangled on installation.


                They were kinda hard to push in

                I used a light coat of vaseline on the orings after I put the first one in. That seemed to help get them in of course. Like I say the odd part is there seem to be less fuel in the float bowls 1 and 2 as opposed to 3 and 4 when removing the drain screw in the bottom of the float bowls so I could remove the bowl. I did this three times. Same thing every time. I will try a couple gentle raps. The last two times, I didn't even put the carbs back on the bike. Can duplicate the problem with them off so not gonna bother putting back on till have that part solved!! Probably try and swap a needle from 4 into 1 and maybe whole set if that doesn't work.

                All just seems odd that it wasn't doin this before the rebuild


                  Should add

                  that I have replaced the stator and oil and filter while at all this. Also, boot o-rings replaced with SS allen head bolts from cycle orings.


                    Lesson to be learned......

                    I fingered it out. I was plugging the vent port instead of the vacuum port for the petcock. So I guess blocking off the vent tube was creating creating pressure in the float bowl and not allowing the fuel to flow into the bowl and just started coming out the first place possible which was the air passage across from the air jet. Boy do I feel stupid! If I woulda had my diagram of the hoses would have been all set! Thanks all for the suggestions. Now just have to find someone to dial it in. Boy have I missed this bike!

