In case it's relevant, here's the background:
Part 1: Upon receiving the bike, I believed I was getting fuel into the oil. I replaced the petcock with a new OEM petcock.
Part 2: I still seemed to be getting fuel in the oil so I moved forward with the standard maintenance tasks:
- completely disassembled and dipped / cleaned carbs according to guide
- replaced the carb's o-rings, gaskets, pilot jet plugs and set float heights
- replaced intake boots and o-rings; sealed airbox cover; added carb vent hoses (originally, nothing was connected to these nipples)
- did a valve adjustment - all now have between 0.08mm - 0.10mm clearance
- bench synched carbs
- mounted the airbox to the frame (airbox was originally just hanging there so I ordered a bolt & rubber spacer)
- highest-idle mixture screw setting (not entirely confident about this but they're around 3 turns out)
- vaccuum synched carbs using a homemade manometer (not entirely confident about this either)
After the carbs were back on the bike, I have been riding the bike during/between my various carb tuning steps. The oil level does not seem to be increasing anymore. However, during the vacuum synch and after all subsequent rides, I am noticing dripping from what I believe is the airbox "drain hose". I'm reasonably sure it's fuel (what else could it be). I didn't notice the dripping before the vacuum synch but I wasn't really looking for it and it seems unlikely that could cause it.
My take from this is that I still have an overflowing carb(s). I found it odd that now it's going to the airbox side and not the oil/crankcase. It's possible this is because I mounted the airbox to the frame instead of just letting it hang there but I would expect that to have the opposite effect (tilting the carbs more towards the engine-side).
Anyway, I ordered 1 OEM needle valve and seat set, hoping that I only have 1 problem carb. When doing the carb cleaning above, I noticed that carb #4's needle valve spring seemed weaker than the others so that seems like the most likely culprit. I wanted to confirm that this was the problem carb definitively so I am attempting the test above.