Undertook some exhaust repairs (a small hole in each of the #2 and #3 header pipes where they connect to the crossover). Worked well, but I think the teardown and rebuild disrupted the sketchy seal I had on my #3 exhaust port.
I inherited a broken-off bolt and a #3 flange being held on by the remaining bolt, and discovered it when the flange rattled loose one day years ago. I bought new bolts, but when I tried to install them I discovered that the lower hole had a combination of 3/4" or so of stripped threads and then what I believe is the rest of an original bolt. I got it to seal with one bolt and kept an eye on it for a while.
But, after giving the exhaust a once-over, it was in much better shape than I expected (let's hear it for the Arizona weather this bike spent its first 25 years in) so I want to finish fixing things right. Then I figure I'll also get better results from setting my mixture and syncing.
So here are my questions...
1.) This is a job for a helicoil, right? Do I have to get the rest of that bolt out, or can I tap the part that's open and install a short coil?
2.) I'm reading (and mechanical friends are telling me) I need to install studs. I found this tread http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...=exhaust+studs that mentioned the following about a NAPA kit that “Includes 10 M8x1.25x62mm studs and 10 nuts.”, but the link was broken and I couldn’t find stud kits on the NAPA site. Any tips on specs and a source for my GS850?
3.) The studs get sealed in with high heat loctite? #567, #620, #272? So many options!
4.) I think I can reuse the exhaust gaskets, but I wanted to check.
5.) Am I dense, or is there no way to remove the exhaust flange from the outer pipes? It was so nice cleaning up the middle two on a bench mounted brass wire wheel, but I can go to the pipes if that’s the only option.
Thanks, as always!