I think you should "start over" or at least double check everything you did.
I think, for one thing, your carbs are way out of synch. Your bench synch in this case. Running as you described earlier without the idle adjuster tip contacting the throttle pulley stop is a dead give-away. And the carbs may not be as clean as you think. Many have made that mistake. The damaged pilot fuel screws should be REPLACED. If you enlarged the holes the PF screws regulate then that too will compromise how it performs.
I'd go back and verify the carbs are clean. That means all jets, including the air jets on the filter side. REMOVE all rubber parts first and shoot all jets/passages with carb cleaner and blow out with compressed air. LOOK through ALL holes to verify. Check the choke starter tubes too. Blow through all holes/passages. You should get air coming out and all four carbs should have similar air flow when blown through.
Then check float levels. .95" is right in the middle of the factory range. Make sure BOTH sides are equal by lightly bending them first if needed.
Bench synch the slides. I have detailed synch info if you search. Check out Hoomgar's thread titled: "GS1K rejet/bad fuel economy, attn Keith Krause" should help you. Go to reply #36 I think. Do the job as described and the bike will start/run decent but you still need to follow any bench synch with a vacuum tool synch.
Not sure if you have any mods besides the pipe (stock airbox with lid still on?), but for starters I'd set the pilot fuel screws underneath to about 1 full turn out from lightly seated. This assumes the screws are in good shape and also the port each regulates. The bike will never idle right or run correctly at throttle positions at or less than 1/5 throttle if the screws and ports are damaged.
The side air screws are adjusted using the highest rpm method. INITIALLY set them 1 1/2 turns out. Once the bike is running and fully warmed up, you can adjust them.
I can only assume the o-rings in the manifolds are good.
Also I assume the jetting is correct but would like to know what you have before you re-assemble.
If running stock air box then be sure the two floatbowl vent lines are clear/not kinked and they are routed up and on top the air box lid area.
Do the above and with clean carbs, no damaged parts, good bench synch, and proper jetting the bike will run decent.