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4-2 Exhaust does not fit my GS550E

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    4-2 Exhaust does not fit my GS550E

    Hi -

    I've got an '81 GS550E and recently picked up a 4-2 system on ebay...

    The pipes are in great condition but when i came to fit them i discovered that the mounting points at the rear are in the wrong position. Not a problem i throught, i can knock together to news ones. However, the real show-stopper is that on the left hand side the pipes dont fit around the side stand!

    I thought most GS550 pipes we interchangeable. i've done a bit of internet research but i can't figure out which model these pipes are for (my best guess is an L but I've read they they should fit).

    Any idea what model/year these pipes fit?

    Also, can i confirm with an E owner that the side stand mount would normally sit between the down pipes 1&2 before they merge.

    I considered just sticking them back on ebay but they are in great condition and full systems are like hens teeth in the UK. My plan 'B' is to get them altered to fit correctly but i've yet to cost that option up.

    The part number should be on the pipes.
    What is it?
    These are supposed to be from the USA perhaps there is a difference in the European models?

    Welcome to the GSR btw.

    Oh and do not hatchet these into shape they are too pretty for that.


      Yup, the part number stamped on the silencer is DGM-38246-S (it's also stamped x GS550 x). I've done a search for it but drawn a blank.

      Don't worry, I wasn't planning a home-hack, i was going to find a fabricator to do the job


        I was looking at pictures of the bike and am wondering if you can remove the sidestand, install the pipes, then reinstall the sidestand.

        Also are the rear mounting tabs totally off?
        I wonder if the mounts were alterd by a previous owner. Are you replacing an aftermarket 4-1 with this OEM item?


          Those are the same #'s from my exhaust, and it sure looks like an L exhaust. Hope you can get it to fit! Looks to be in pretty good shape.


            Originally posted by JEEPRUSTY View Post
            I was looking at pictures of the bike and am wondering if you can remove the sidestand, install the pipes, then reinstall the sidestand.

            Also are the rear mounting tabs totally off?
            I wonder if the mounts were alterd by a previous owner. Are you replacing an aftermarket 4-1 with this OEM item?
            I'm afraid the stand mount itself snags the pipes. I've removed the stand to try and fit it. The only way i can see of getting the pipes to fit un-altered is by sawing/grinding the stand mount off, which doesnt fill me with joy. The rear mounts were way off, on the 550E the mounts are below the exhaust not above - but it would be easy enough to make some new ones. Yup, I'm replacing a 4-1 Motad exhaust, i want to bring the bike back to something close to stock.

            Originally posted by mike_of_bbg View Post
            Those are the same #'s from my exhaust, and it sure looks like an L exhaust. Hope you can get it to fit! Looks to be in pretty good shape.
            Thanks, Mike. At least i know it's an L then.

            I think the best option, short of waiting for a new set to come up for sale is to see if i can get a fabricator to lengthen the pipes.

