a new world has opened ... remarkable things happen in a cylinder
So, what I’ve learned from my first Colortune adventure:
1) It is remarkable that, without really understanding ‘what would not be OK’ when listening to an engine turning at idle, you hear the engine get better when you eliminate the intermittent firing (losses) when turning the screw out. You can actually see, in the cylinder, having more explosions just by turning the screw. As a result, from the first carb, you hear the engine getting better.
Some of you will hear better than I can see, meaning, your ‘highest rpm method’ will be better tuned than my visual check of the colourtune, but anyway, for me, this is a required device.
2) I did not need the black plastic extension tube with the turnable mirror for viewing the spark plug color. Had enough with the lower plastic part that fits over the spark plug…
3) engine is running much better now (more firing) but I was not easy to work on the spark plugs as things get really hot for your fingers...does someone know an easy way of installing this without getting burnt ?
4) the color tune is not made of the highest quality material…For instance: the tip of the flexible HT shaft got stuck in the spark plug cap and got loose from the shaft when disconnecting a plug cap…had it solved with some long pliers but still, for a first use, you would think that nothing would be damaged when treated with care (as I did).
Nevertheless, I put the tip back on the flexible lead and things worked out fine. So the material might seem a bit cheaper than what you would expect, still I will feel very confident using it next year after the annual valve adjustment.
Yes, this is definitely a nice toy for our old bikes. Item number 4 (quality of material) is only a personal opinion. Maybe, if I would have paid double and had top notch quality, I would have complained about the price…It is a very useful toy for a fair price, so I’m not complaining but only giving my opinion.