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Dialing In after rebuild
Dialing In after rebuild
Just put the carbs on the bike, all air screws are at 3 turns out as a starting point. Bike fires up strong. I need some help in how to "dial it in" correctly. Its definitely idling high and doesnt like the choke down all the way unless Im on the gas. Whats the procedure from here? Anything out there like the carb presentation? Which Nessism, was excellent, thank you! Any guides or tips would be greatly appreciated.Tags: None
It's mostly a matter of making sure everything is working as Suzuki intended, or your mods blend correctly. Airbox installed, fresh intake boot O-rings, tune mixture screws (3 turns is fine), vacuum sync, ect. Do all this and report back on how it runs.Ed
To measure is to know.
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Well, I did the orings, Airbox with new rubbers, Carb clean to your guide, Sync...
I just wanted to adjust properly from here. For example, My RPMs are at 2k at idle, reading here it sounds like 1200-1500 is where I want it, is proper adjustment to just use idle screw or do I do anything with the air mixture screws?
Also, I can ride it with choke fully engaged down to about 1/4 out. What adjustment do you all recommend to obviously fix this? Since obviously I should be running at no choke.
The bike will idle higher with the choke on. If it's dying after it warms up and you take the choke off, I'd first check to make sure your idle screw isn't set too low, and then check that your valves are in adjustment.
But I'd check the valves either way.
You did get your Mega-Welcome, yes?
Yes, Ive received the mega welcome.
I was just looking for a bit more. I guess my questions lies in this... Ive done everything from the clymer manual and everyones advice on the forum here. I just honestly dont know how to "proceed'' with finishing touches.
Example... I have the screws at 3 turns out. Bike fires up and I can ride it. I cant let the choke completely off without giving gas to keep her running. Is it just the idle screw? Is it turn left to decrease, right to increase? Should I be adjusting the mixture screws at all in this process? I was originally told 3-3.5 turns out, then it may be adjusted to 2-2.5 depending on performance. I just dont know how to gauge what I am seeing so I was looking for some advice.
For anyone looking to help, As the bike sits now, with choke fully out, It runs at 2k rpm and decreases gradually as I push it down until it shuts itself off.
Originally posted by JStones View PostYes, Ive received the mega welcome.
I was just looking for a bit more. I guess my questions lies in this... Ive done everything from the clymer manual and everyones advice on the forum here. I just honestly dont know how to "proceed'' with finishing touches.
Example... I have the screws at 3 turns out. Bike fires up and I can ride it. I cant let the choke completely off without giving gas to keep her running. Is it just the idle screw? Is it turn left to decrease, right to increase? Should I be adjusting the mixture screws at all in this process? I was originally told 3-3.5 turns out, then it may be adjusted to 2-2.5 depending on performance. I just dont know how to gauge what I am seeing so I was looking for some advice.
For anyone looking to help, As the bike sits now, with choke fully out, It runs at 2k rpm and decreases gradually as I push it down until it shuts itself off.
Have you checked your valves?
For your valve adjustment...
Valve Adjustments (8 Valve)
Zip Tie Supplement (by Mr. Matchless)
For your bench sync...
Bench Sync Your CV Carbs
For your "idle mixture screw" adjustments...
Plug Chops-Highest RPM Methods
(by Mr. tkent02 and Mr. psyguy)
For your vacuum sync...
Synchronize CarburetorsI found all this on some guy's website.
(With the Morgan Carbtune)
Thank you for your indulgence,
BassCliff, I frequent your site so dont be alarmed. Its taught me nearly everything I know to this point! haha
The Plug Chop title threw me off, I never opened it not knowing what that meant. The highest RPM description is what I needed. I will be using that.
To answer all other posts: I did the bench sync. The valves have been done. Carbs were all done step by step to Nessisms manual.
Thank you to all. I will post again after I get this set.
Originally posted by JStones View PostWell, I did the orings, Airbox with new rubbers, Carb clean to your guide, Sync...
I just wanted to adjust properly from here. For example, My RPMs are at 2k at idle, reading here it sounds like 1200-1500 is where I want it, is proper adjustment to just use idle screw or do I do anything with the air mixture screws?
Also, I can ride it with choke fully engaged down to about 1/4 out. What adjustment do you all recommend to obviously fix this? Since obviously I should be running at no choke.
In order to sinc the carbs you must have the choke off and the engine at idle, around 15K. If you can't idle; in other words run without the choke pulled, then you either need to turn the idle adjustment screw in some more, or there is a problem that still needs to be solved. Once synced, you should be able to idle (with out choke) at 1K.
PS. Just looked at the service manual for the 550E on Cliff's site. It has idle at 1100 +or- 100. And pilot screw at 3 1/2 turns. Of course it is best to tweak that to best idle.
PSS. You do have the pilot screws at 3 full turns out, not 3 "twists" which would only be 1 1/2.
Originally posted by JStones View Post
The Plug Chop title threw me off, I never opened it not knowing what that meant. The highest RPM description is what I needed.
Thank you for your indulgence,