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82 GS850 GL Wont idle when warm

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    Originally posted by Octain View Post
    Yup.. Try to run it on prime and reserve. See what happens.
    Petcock has been completely removed and cleaned.. I will say the petcock does need to be replaced however it's not dysfunctional well sorta anyways. The reserve side of the petcock doesn't work & we knew this from the previous owner... So petcock will get replaced but "Suzi" was running on the prime side of it with no problems.


      She's Fixed!!!!!

      *Jumps Around like a lil kid* "Suzi" Is fixed!!! I'm so happy If I could do cartwheels I would do them all around her LMAO!!!

      OK so what was the problem you ask... Well DH & I believe it was a combination of things as basscliff stated.

      So here's what we did to get to the point of being fixed.

      1. Cleaned gas tank, petcock, sending unit & fuel Filter

      2. Removed carbs only to reveal rust sediment sitting in the float bowls & dirty & plugged jets plus a jet that was mangled. So, we cleaned float bowls & cleaned jets plus replaced 4 pilot jets.

      3. Checked all boots for cracks or holes to which all boots where fine

      4. Replaced air cleaner.

      5. Changed all fuses as we weren't sure the age of them & if they were making good contact.

      6. And here's the biggie! Changed her oil! This was the step that kept her running... I had taken a chance yesterday and for some ungodly reason decided to smell the oil.. HOLY COW it reeked of gasoline! When DH Pulled the drain plug she didn't "Glug" like typical oil would coming out She "Pee'd" it was sooooooooooo thin because the oil had so much gas in it. She pee'd 1.5 gallons of gas/oil mix that both DH & I shook our heads in disbelief! (BTW we had assumed (Again shame on us) the oil level viewing window was extremely dirty & that was why we couldn't tell the oil level Boy were we WRONG! We can now see that oil level!)

      So in conclusion, Here's what we believe the problems were... Sediment in Petcock & fuel filter, carbs, plus bad jets in the carbs led to the valve(s) sticking open which led to raw gas getting into the oil... Essentially the motor was hydro-locking after she was warm because there was no place for the oil/gas mix to go anymore she was loaded to the gills & just couldn't stuff anymore fluid anywhere else.. We DO Know there is a remote possibility that the rings could be bad sooooooooo we will be changing her oil again after 1 week worth of riding to A.) remove residual gas/oil mix that we're sure is still in the motor & B.) to check the consistency of the oil to make sure it hasn't thinned down & doesn't have a "high" smell of gasoline. It's been discussed that after we change the oil in her next weekend we may even do it again in another week or two just to make sure all gas is removed from the motor!

      Hope this gives someone else idea's to look it if they are having problems.. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and this forum is an uber great resource for any "Suzi" owner!! Thank you for having this great meeting place!

      Mrs. Racinma


        I just love a happy ending.
        Ride safe.

        82 GS850
        78 GS1000
        04 HD Fatboy



          GOOD looking L ! ! ! !

          Now, replace the petcock with another NEW vacuum unit, throw a load of elbow grease on the old girl, and ride her...



            Thanks for sharing the good news. Now I suggest you check the date code on the tires. I'll bet it's time for new ones, no matter how much tread is on them. See the Tire Info page on my little website. Ride safely!

            Thank you for your indulgence,



              Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

              Thanks for sharing the good news. Now I suggest you check the date code on the tires. I'll bet it's time for new ones, no matter how much tread is on them. See the Tire Info page on my little website. Ride safely!

              Thank you for your indulgence,


              LOL Actually Basscliff the Skibby's that she had on her we're um shall we say not even fit for a drag bike to use so she got new skibby's almost immediately!


                Originally posted by Dave8338 View Post
                GOOD looking L ! ! ! !

                Now, replace the petcock with another NEW vacuum unit, throw a load of elbow grease on the old girl, and ride her...
                The elbow grease will come when riding weather is over.. She's getting a whole new paint job this winter and the motor possibly torn down (This will depend on if the rings are bad which we will know in just a short matter of time) None the less she's gonna be a brand new bike come spring and while DH's is painting the bike Momma is gonna be getting mighty dirty trying to "Shine" the motor up As for the petcock it's already on order just waiting for it to arrive which should be by late this week or early next week


                  A dremel with a little wire brush works a treat on all those little rusty fasteners.
                  I buy the wire brushes by the sackful on ebay.
                  Wear saftey glasses.

                  82 GS850
                  78 GS1000
                  04 HD Fatboy



                    Hi all,

                    Just had to join to say thanks. I have the same problem with my GS550L. I did all the above apart from check my oil as I not long had it replaced. I will be checking tomorrow mind lol.

                    Thanks again to all for your knowledge, I have no doubt you will be hearing from me again lol.

