I bought a 1981 GS550e 2 years ago for peanuts and so far it gave me a lot of awesome shed time and learning opportunities. But now I'm dying to ride it.
I've been reading this forum regularly and always found my answers without asking but now that it comes to the crunch I really need your collective help. here is the situation:
· I never heard this engine run;
· Engine wont start even with starter fluid and/or with a drop of fuel in the cylinder;
· Compression is good;
· It turns, races faster for a few seconds like it wants to but then nothing;
· I've got a good spark, Dyna S ignition statically set and new plugs, battery fully charged;
· I've got new intake boots but my carbs haven't been touched yet and need cleaning.
I’m just looking for a sign of life at the moment. If everything was setup right the starter fluid should have started it. But now I'm just left scratching my head.

I overhauled the engine a year ago so it is highly possible I will have stuffed timing. I’m not sure how to look for a problem at the cam level? Any tips?
From what I read about, it might be valves spacing as well? Any tips on how to find out?
Thanks in advance...