I've been fixing up an abandoned gs400x and it now has a fuelcock that never really shuts off - On the "on" and "res" positions there is still a fairly steady flow.
I need some advice on what route to go:
Should I get the rebuild kit with new diaphragm, gaskets and o-rings for about $30
like this:http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-F...item4841a9f214
or should I get a brand new petcock for about $25 more
like this: http://www.z1enterprises.com/Petcock...zuki-1715.aspx
I had the whole think apart a few times and it all looked good. The filter tubes looked good, structurally everything seemed fine, even the gaskets and diaphragms appeared intact. is the diaphragm spring too weak to close properly? Dont think the spring is included in any of the kits. Id like to keep the original fuelcock, but if there is even a chance that I may still have a problem after replacing the diaphragm/gaskets, I just want to replace the whole thing.
I realize BassCliff says "NEW one"- but is that new OEM( in which case- since my filters are intact, that gasket kit would make it like new, right?) or does it mean that the stock one is terrible and go with the aftermarket stuff like I posted above.
What do you think?