Since it was an old part, I've spent the last few weeks sandblasting, repainting, and fixing dents and dings with bodyfill and dry ice, but when I went to mount it up to see how it would look, I found the two pucks near the triple tree where it mounts are too far apart. The 'S' tank comes together to about 3" and the old tank fits the little puck bar where it is, at 5" wide.
Also, the coils that run to the spark plugs are welded on to brackets on the outside of the frame under that tank, making the bike require an extra wide tank.
I'm hoping this problem sounds familiar to someone, because I'm very much an amateur and to me this seems like I need to cut off the coils and re-mount them elsewhere, and I have no idea what to do about the mounting bar with the pucks on the ends up front. If I just cut the bar down, is it possible to replace the little puck bumpers?
I'm mostly just looking for some reassurance I'm not about to do something really stupid before I start cutting into a mostly perfectly good bike. If anyone has thoughts about where to mount the coils (where are they on gs450s's?) or anything else I'd really appreciate hearing about it.
Thanks all
(I'm out traveling atm but I can upload some pictures soon)