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white smoke and a weird noise...

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    white smoke and a weird noise...

    Hey all,
    Just rebuilt the carbs on my '80 GS850 per the bikecliff guide and got the bike back together. Took me a while, but synced it with the cheaper sync from Z1. I think the bike got too hot (no fan or extension cord to get one out there...) but I did take breaks to let it cool down. My concern is that there is white smoke blowing out the left side exhaust - 1&2 cylinders, and when I gun it (in neutral) there is a sharp noise on that side once I hit around 4k. I don't know how to describe it, almost metal-on-metal-ish but without any kind of grinding sound.

    I did make one mistake initially, didn't double check and accidentally hooked up the vent hose between carbs 1 & 2 to the gas tank... and ended up with gas pouring out the real intake hose. Got those switched back in a hurry... could that have damaged the engine? Please say no???

    I'm worried about riding it before I know what the problem might be so I don't accidentally damage anything further, if there's damage. Could it just be overheating?