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Muffler question

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    Muffler question

    The bike is a 82 750T. I posted a thread here about my exhaust and trying to get a little more "growl" sound. A deeper, throaty one. Well the stock pipes are in great shape. Some suggested let age take over. It didn't take long! The muffler was rusted at the mount near the weld. We were gonna try to repair but now I've made up my mind. So now I'm searching the web for replacement mufflers but have no clue what to get. I don't want to buy used stock ones because we'll be rejetting the carbs anyway. What options for just mufflers do I have? Do I need a specific size? Whats the difference in sound from megaphone, canister, turnout? I don't trust our local shop so I'd rather hear it from you guys. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.