Some of you are familiar with my GS1000EC build thread of the bike I put together. Just as I'm beginning to think that I'm nearly done, I finally realize my carbs just don't seem to be what they should be...
What I thought was a minor difference from what the parts fiche listed on and pictured in Paul Musser's VM Carburetor Rebuild Guide, may actually be missing pieces and/or the carbs aren't even GS carbs.

The pictures show the needles should have a spring and spacer below the e-clip and another spacer and a disc of some kind above. But all mine had/have were/are the clips, needles, and now the washer from the DJ III kit above the clip.

And another thing that has had me wondering about whether or not these carbs are even GS carbs is the idle adjust screw position. It's above the carbs, not below like the factory manuals and parts fiches illustrate.
I'd like to punch the guy who messed with these and left out important parts.

I don't really care if these came from a KZ or whatever(It would be all the more fitting for the "Johnny Cash" theme the bike has going already), but it really ticks me off that some half-baked idiot couldn't even reassemble them properly beforehand... now I've got to delay a trip I had planned and hunt for stupid little parts.
I should be able to find suitable springs and spacers locally, but I have no idea where to begin with dimensions or material for the upper plate. Ordering these from Partshark would take a couple weeks and cost me over fifty bucks, and the top washer plate isn't even listed!!
This may also explain why the DJ III kit has made them run rich, even on the first clip setting with the DJ138 main. I wouldn't be surprised if the needle jet and pilot jet aren't the right sizes for GS1000's...
Any help to find suitable spacer, ring, spring, and upper disc dimensions/replacements would be very appreciated. I'm running out of available time for researching and testing solutions myself.
I'll post pics once I get them back apart and try to ID the needle and pilot jets...