Don't hate me for being up-front about this! But, I have yet to take the carbs apart and clean them thoroughly! I bought this bike in August, and I'm just trying to get a good month or two of good riding weather in before I have to winterize her for the Michigan winters. It will be my winter project, I promise!
Anyways, here's my problem. I thought I was having a petcock issue, as the bike would only run in Prime position. If ran in "Run", the engine would die of fuel starvation. So, instead of going on ebay and buying another petcock, I threw one on the bike from my Yammie, which ironically had the same mounting holes and is a vacuum-feed petcock.
I have a fuel filter on the bike, so, I can see the fuel go through it. I ran the bike in the "run" position on the new petcock, and about a mile down the road, she died. I checked the fuel filter, and it was bone dry. I put it in "prime", started the bike, and she ran fine. So, this has led me to believe it may be a carb issue (blast it all!).
What could be causing this issue besides the unknown? I do not want to take the carbs off this bike until I am ready to store her. It's too much of a pain to remove the airbox, etc. Plus, I have no idea what I may find as soon as I take apart those carbs, i.e. (torn diaphragm, etc.). She runs decent now, and I want to rely on that!
The only reason I switched the petcocks, was because the other day I was on the highway, and she died on me like she starved of fuel. I had to choke the bike to restart it (60 degrees out, weird!). And as soon as I warmed it back up, no problems!
Any ideas besides cleaning the carbs out, lol?