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plugs are a grey yellow colour

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    chris6888, grey/(some)yellow spark plug color is normal.Excessive glazed yellow is not.Could you describe plug/condition/insulator/color abit more or possible to post pics of plug,or is it all plugs? Using, stil thel, fuel/gas that came in gas tank(unknown quality,hope someone didn't add some additive w/lead and you fell victim to it) or total fresh proper octane gas? Ignition timing check,will need to do also.Spark plug is correct per/manual recomended one? PS:cris6888 please take look at my album pics.of spark plug. The color is yellow/gold hue(I think) .Plug read charts say ;grey-white/grey-brown/grey -yellow/grey -tan/grey-brownish/grey red... anyhow research and get confused or not by hues or shades of white ,yellow red ,brown,tan etc. You see red ,I see magenta,you say tomato,I say tamato. Process may not be pretty but result could be.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-21-2011, 06:34 PM. Reason: Add Info.

