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I need a Mikuni Expert

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    I need a Mikuni Expert


    I just recently joined the forum and have been exuberant to find a community that caters to these awesome bikes.. I've had a lot of fun on mine before even starting the resto.. That, said, I recently acquired my first GS, a 650EX, and during the initial carb clean I noticed that one of the float towers on the #1 body had been previously broken and was not still sitting in the bowl.. meaning someone broke it and just threw it away. So after ordering a new #1 from ebay and receiving the stripped down body, I performed a 1 hour Barryman's dip on the new (used) body, and then a 30 minute water boil. After the boil I spent about 30 -40 minutes blowing out entire thing with an air compressor, checking for positive air flow through every jet orifice (and frankly any other hole I could find). I'm absolutely certain this new carb is as squeaky clean as the day Mikuni shipped it to Suzuki. The problem is, between the dip and the boil I'm left with a dull dark gray carb body, that is beginning to oxidize..

    I feel like I did an extensive amount of research on this procedure, and I could not find one instance of anyone saying that this was bad, in fact I found people that said, despite the dull appearance the carb will perform as new.

    I know that these carbs come from the factory highly polished and with some sort of sealant that deters oxidation for years. I'm just wondering, has anyone done this before? and what kind of results did you get? have I ruined this body, should I scrap it and start looking for another one??

    I haven't done anything to original rack other than clean with Barryman's spray, but based on the bike's response, I still feel like all the carbs could use a deep solvent cleanse of some sort..

    Scratching my head, hoping for an expert on these carbs..

    p.s. I highly doubt I could go to Mikuni or Suzuki and expect to be able to order brand new carbs anymore, but does anyone know of a company making reproductions of these original carbs???

    Many Thanks In Advance..


    '81 GS650E

    Did you replace all the intrernal o-Rings?


      Originally posted by JEEPRUSTY View Post
      Did you replace all the intrernal o-Rings?
      I'm going to, I've got new rebuild kits on the way, the only things I will not be replacing are the floats and the needle jets (unless my kits come with new needle jets, but I don't think they do)

      But the body was completely empty before I dipped it..


        I am certainly no expert but replacing all o-rings is the mantra of the gurus in the forum.

        One will come back soon. I think it is lunch time.


          What I'm shooting for is to have all new internal on all carbs with an extensive clean on the bodies..

          I'm about to go to lunch myself, not sure when I'll be back on, but I highly value and appreciate any and all advice.


            If the PO buggered up the float tower maybe one or all the float levels are off?
            There is a procedure int eh service manual for this.

            It may be available as a short form write-up on BassCliff's website.


              Originally posted by JEEPRUSTY View Post
              If the PO buggered up the float tower maybe one or all the float levels are off?
              There is a procedure int eh service manual for this.

              It may be available as a short form write-up on BassCliff's website.

              Well I've got Climer's manual on the bike, which I believe states the factory float settings, although, I'm going to be running open element filters and MAC 4-1 exhaust, and planning on using the Dynojet stage 3 with this set up.. Never really messed with the float levels before and not sure if I would adjust from the factory settings given the new jet criteria. I was originally going to just install the jet kit and run down to the local shop for a sync job.. Then I read about float levels...


                You are running it without the mufflers attached aren't you!


                  Originally posted by JEEPRUSTY View Post
                  You are running it without the mufflers attached aren't you!
                  I haven't run it at all yet, other than stock... I haven't even ordered my pipes yet.. I'm just working on getting a perfect set of carbs right now.


                    Ahh OK my bad.


                      heading out for the day.. I'll check in this evening or tomorrow... thanks again for the help..


                        Greetings and Salutations!!

                        Hi Mr. kennethleemiller,

                        You will find the proper procedure for cleaning the carbs detailed in a guide on my little website. "Carb kits" are frowned upon. Instead order the O-ring kit from and re-use all of the metal bits. If there are any worn or broken parts, replace them with OEM because they just work better.

                        Anyway, let me dump a TON if information on you and share some GS lovin'.

                        I just stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

                        If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

                        Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", "Top 15 Tips For GS Happiness", the Carb Cleanup Series, and the Stator Papers. All of these tasks must be addressed in order to have a safe, reliable machine. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

                        Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

                        Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

                        Thank you for your indulgence,



                          Originally posted by kennethleemiller View Post
                          heading out for the day.. I'll check in this evening or tomorrow... thanks again for the help..
                          You're a wise man to heed the advise of the combined BAZILLION years of experience here. And also wise to realize that a DJ stage 3 kit is the easiest and best option for your soon to be intake and exhaust set up.

                          As to your carb issue currently, it happens. The dip will change the colour of the alloy surface a bit. Usually it will come clean with a tooth brush and some dawn. Or at least has been my experience.
                          To my knowledge, aside from the caps and bowls being polished and clearcoated, (usually just the outside two as well) thy didn't polish the bodies.
                          Not to say it can't be done. I've tried it, they'll polish a bit. Not to mirror like finish. But shiny. But I quickly grew tired of the tedium of it as there are a lot of nooks and cranies, and it takes a very very long time.
                          So I just masked off all the openings and shot em with high temp Alu coloured duplicolor engine enamel. Ohhh pretty.

                          Lots of guys have detailed their carbs on here, and they kind of add that little pop that some bikes miss...but you've got a rather rare bird there...chaindrive 650s weren't sold in many numbers. Comparatively speaking of course.

                          Keep on keeping've come to the right place.


                            Boiling the carbs causes them to turn dark, particularly if you added lemon juice or similar to the solution. Not that I'm anyone special or anything, but I've posted this information in threads before so the info is available for people that search the archives about such things. Guess what I'm driving at is that there is lots of good info to be learned before you do damage something (boiling carbs) or waste a bunch of money (buying "carb kits").

                            The Advanced Search function works really well. Try "Titles Only" first and then dig deeper if necessary.

                            Good luck

                            EDIT: read this...
                            Last edited by Nessism; 12-09-2011, 06:58 PM.

                            To measure is to know.

                            Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

                            Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

                            Carb rebuild tutorial...

                            KZ750E Rebuild Thread...


                              If it hasn't been stated yet, be certain to check out Ed's fantastic carb tutorial: .


