I recently picked up a GS550 in order to see how much better I like bigger bikes compared to my little GN400. The guy who had it before had it sitting around for a while because he lost his license from a DUI. The bike has two issues now.
I was riding down the freeway for about 20 minutes when the bike started to lose power. Gradually, Over about a minute, I lost all power and had to pull off into the shoulder. Not knowing what to expect, I put down the centerstand and started checking oil and trying to figure out what went wrong. After a bit, I sat back down, cranked it for a while, played with the choke, and got it to fire up. I then rode the rest of my trip with no problems, about 30 minutes. This was about a month ago. I got it back out again yesterday to work things out with a new battery (the old one was just about gone), and things seemed to work fine. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I took it back out again. I rode around all day, multiple stops, cool downs, and starts. All in all probably just under two hours riding time. At the end of the day I was on my way home (once again, on the freeway), and I started to open it up a little bit on the onramp. About 5 minutes later, the power fluctuation started again, and I lost everything. Suspecting something similar, I waited, and tried again, but to no avail. Luckily I called my friends with a truck into action as soon as I got into the shoulder, and we were able to get it home. My instincts tell me it's a problem in the fuel system somehow. Ideas?
Also, the bike has an issue with idling. I've played with the idle screw, but it seems to have two different modes. It either idles very high, or slowly fizzles out and dies. I thought it was bad gas at first, but then it continued after a new tank. Thoughts?
I feel like it's relevant information that the bike has pod filters. I do not know when they were added, or more importantly, if the carbs were rejetted to compensate for that. Could either of these problems be related to that? Is there a way to tell if the proper carb tuning was done? I'm fairly handy, but I avoid carb work at all costs. Too many little pieces for me.
Thanks in advance.