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seal air box on GS750E?

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    seal air box on GS750E?

    Gonna throw this out there before i head to work. I have read "most" of the seal the airbox threads including the picture tutorial on basscliffs site. None of them were for the 750. It uses a paper filter, not an oiled foam, if that matters. the access point is on the top of the box with a sliding fitting and one screw.
    Does this opening need weatherstripping on it? The connection box between the carbs to airbox only has the rubber hoses and a drain hose (the reason I thought the foam seal would be a mute point.
    Have dipped and cleaned, by hand, the carbs several times. (ethanol is a b****) but I have a lag at about 4-5k. Does this sound like an air leak?
    wanted to ask this before I got into the carbs again with copper wire for possible jets clogged AGAIN

    thanks in advance


    Probably not an air leak...
    That lid makes very little difference as it is outside the filtered area, there are two big holes open to let outside air in anyway, so a little leak makes no difference. The lid is more to keep intake noise down.
    At which throttle position(s) does this lag occur?
    It is probably slightly too lean for whatever reason.
    When did it start lagging?
    What maintenance have you done already?

    Life is too short to ride an L.


      I feel it is jet clogs again because if I wot it will blow past lag, but smooth roll on it bogs. Hard to say exact position, I need to mark throttle for plug chops.
      Lean is very possible as I am tuning this bike for first time since it was brought back from the dead.
      It has done this since a put it back together.
      Lets see, pertinent maintenance...
      carbs dipped in Berrymans, jets cleaned with wire and carb cleaner sprayed through as per tutorial. float needle assemblies replaced due to squeezing to hard with pliers when replacing orings.
      New intake boots.
      Full robert barr oring kit install.
      stock jets with super trapp 4-1, stock air filter
      new plugs, new caps with wires trimmed 1/4 inch
      valves adjusted, bench synch, vacuum synch, tried highest idle method for mixture screws (this might also be an issue) might go back to 2.5 out on all and see if it goes away.
      If there is a specific maintenance item that comes to you, just ask, I may have forgot one I have done.
      Does anyone think the 4-1 with stock jets could do it?



        I remember reading the tuning instructions for another manufacturer's 4 to 1 and they had some things to say about changes to jets. I will try to track it down.


          Mid throttle is the realm of the jet needle, raise the needle a tad and see if it helps.

          Use washers instead of the fat spacer above the clip to raise it up.

          Life is too short to ride an L.


            When you hit the lag area, you say it bogs. Does it surge a little or just bog and then sorta come out of it smoothly?



              Here ya go. Diff exhaust but same principles


                thanks for the ideas fellas. I will have to get her out tomorrow, been playing with new 650. I will report back with the findings.

