I bought an ultra sonic cleaner, filled it with Gunk Carb dip and systematically cleaned the bodies. I then reassembled them using new gaskets and o rings. I put in
new air mixture screws (1.5 turns out)
40 pilot
190 air jet
107.5 main
I set the floats at 22mm. I Then took them to the bike and wrestled them in
The bike fired right up, no leaks, and ran great as long as the choke was cracked open, as soon as I closed the choke it stalled.
I played with the air screws to no avail
As I last ditch I shoved a rag in th air box covering the hole where the filter would go, The bike idled!! "Oh So it wants gas I figured."
I then installed 42.5 Pilots
Ok, but I still needed to restict the air holes in air box. I went to 45 pilots, Eureka I got it to idle beautifully, and then I was able to synchronize the carbs. After synching the bike sounded great. I dropped it in gear only to find that it stutters just of idle under a load.
I figured , with the 45 pilots now its too rich, so i go back to the stock 40 pilots thinking that the synch was the problem all along. Now with the 40 pilots in she still will not hold an idle. I taped over the holes in the bottom or the air box and it idles beautifully. But it has no power under load and cant run at all over 3000rpm(I figured that would happen with the air box holes taped over.) Im taking a break and figured I'd ask you experts for help. Truth is the carbs feel like they want to run great. I think I just have something screwed up. The best it ran was with the 45 pilots, it is werent for the low circuit stubmlimb it would be fine. I havent tried 47.5 pilots yet but Ive got em. HELP!!