When I purchased it, it was running fine but they had already started it. I tested it around, it did fine on the highway, came back, purchased it, drove 2 hours home in 34 degree weather.
I've had some problems getting it to start at all at home though. I can hear the starter, it's turning over, sometimes I can hear it almost start and then die instantaneously. The other issue is, the kick start does not seem to build compression always.
I'm not sure if it's too rich or too lean - I've tried starting it with the choke on, half on, not on at all, with varying degrees of success. Most recently, I opened the airbox (both sides) and on one it seems like the rubber gasket was tightly sealed, but with one as soon as it was even half off the rubber fell off, and while mostly intact had a tear at the bottom.
I'm just not sure at this point - are the issues I'm having most likely with the carburetor, or with the airbox and filter? It seems like from what I've read the airboxes are not the most reliable part of these motorcycles, but then again, maybe the carb is just junked up? What should I look for in the airbox other than the seals?
Here is the seal that fell out:

I don't want to have to continually mess with the airbox down the road... Do you think pod filters is a good option, in a lot of ways I was planning on doing it any ways. I've never worked on a carb before, but I'm confident that as long as I'm careful I can clean it out and make adjustments (if they are needed).
What I really want to know here I guess, is just where is the best place to start as far as diagnosing and fixing this issue?
Where is a good place to get parts? and are there any stickied threads or recommended threads for information about similar issues?
Sorry for the super long post. I'm really excited about this bike and hope to hang around the forum a bunch and meet some interesting people!