engine is 1983 gs1100 with 36mm c.v's. has mac 4 into 1 and k&n pods.
rebuilt carbs per tutorial, adjusted valves they were lose, now correct.
has stage 3 dynojet kit
now for the funny parts.when i diseassembled there were no o- rings on the idle jet needles, i put them in, when i took them apart they were 4.5 turns out.
the floats were set at 26mm i set them at 22mm.
needle clip on 5th from top now 3rd.
had 138 mains i put in mikuni 132's
all other jets are stock accepet for the one on back of the carb at the intake,they are 110's and for the gs1150 they were 145's stock.
the bike ran good when bought before the rebuild of the carbs so i assume the 110's will be o.k. but had trouble unless over 4k rpm and when plug cap for #2 was pulled at idle there was no drop in idle , the rest of the cylinders did drop at idle when plug cap pulled.
set up gravity tank fillied carbs fired right up idled at 4.5k rpm
turned idle screws all the way in to get 1.5k rpm thats as low as i can get it.
also replaced just the float needles with new ones,i let the carbs fill gravity off the remote tank and no gass came out.i plugged off the vaccuum for the pet cock activator.there are 2 more open vent tubes high on the carbs i assume are for overflow.
if i drop the floats back to 26mm will it lean it out at idle? seems to be running rich, the plug electrodes were dry but outer ring a lil wet.
hopefully thats enuff info to get the help i need and ty very much in advance.