The stuff worked!
Now, WARNING: Protect your paint job from the chemicals! I did not do a good job doing that. There are now streaks on my tank.....though the PO gave it a not so good paint job....I did not help it. I'm not worried. I may repaint later....if she proves herself.
Took the Carbs off and cleaned with carb cleaner.

Changed the oil and filter. Used Rotella 15w40 per suggestions on this forum. My friend helping thought I put the wrong kind in...You should have seen his eyes! I explained....what I learned here.
So, now..... How does it run? Better..sort of. On acceleration the second carb kicks in and about throws me off the bike! The cleaning helped. At least the second carb at least makes itself known! lol From what I read and guess, It sounds like it could be a air leaking in issue.....maybe?
It is not safe for me to ride like this. When I say kicks in I mean KICKS in and about kicks me off! Though, now I see that it does have some balls!
There are no cracks in the boots/rubber sleeves.....what ever the name is.
The rubber boots on the back side (from air breather) did not cover the back side very well. Kinda like there is sag. We pushed and pushed and got them as close as we could.
Here is a question, Is the air breather/filter suppose to have 2 square pieces of foam in there and that's all? Seemed strange. 2 foam squares kinda laying in there.
1.Bike is jumping in acceleration. The other Carb is kicking in in spurts. Why?
2. Air Cleaner- 2 pieces of foam and a plastic wall.....????
Can't ride till it's safer. :-(