O.K. i did ll the mojo suggested dip clean o-rings all that. had her runnin nice but it ran lean and idle to 1/4 throttle had a stumble that was anoying.
the issue was that it had 110 pilot air jets (way too small) causing a lean problem hence the bad transitio idle thru 1/4 throttle nand ran lean.
Cant afford new pilot air jets right now so i drilled them to dynojet spec of the 150 that comes with the jet kit then it ran rich so i put the needl clip on position 3 and cleared up nicely. Now the idle is sweet and the transition is sweet But after 1/3 to full throttle it stumbles and pop a little like a missfire is best i can describe it.Ind wont rev past 4k rpm under load beacause of this.
I do know the adjustments that work because CafeKid has posted them a million times in the last 2 months but what sux is i dont have a baseline to start from and the only way i got it to run close to right with that dang 110 air jet before what i did today was to set the float hight at 26mm with all the rest at seuggested.
my questiion is,do ya'll think if i put the float highth at the suggested 22.4mm it wil clear up the stumbling at 1/3 to full throttle