I followed the online instructions as far as disassembly & cleaning and managed to lose only a couple of small parts. I have the last one on order, and hope to have them back together next week.
Here is what I learned:
I didn't see much corrosion- the bike ran on 10% ethanol from November 2010 when I got it on the road until about 3 months ago when I started running pure gas in it. I think the constant use (I ride 12 months a year here) helped to avoid any problems. While I haven't checked exact MPG, I went from around 120 miles to reserve to around 135. Not bad for 9 cents a gallon more. Should be even better now with clean and happy carbs!

I took some before & after pics for the ultrasonic, but my camera's exposure went south- the outdoor ones were washed out.
I'll likely be doing this with the blue 1000G soon, so this was a good learning experience. I recently did the same thing on my V65 Sabre (used the dip method), and these are so much easier to work on, as is the bike in general. The V4 Sabre is like a Chinese puzzle when you try to put stuff back together.
Here are a couple of pics, the before one is bad due to exposure, and I couldn't clean it up in editing.

After (one cover is off due to waiting on parts)
