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How are #3 & 4 carbs linked

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    You have to pull the rack plate off. Put the pulley into position on the plate, then set the carbs in the plate without screwing them in.

    Now you can slide the throttle shaft through the slides and the pulley.


      Oh Fudge!

      Sorry for the strong language everyone but gosh darn it I was afraid I would have to do just what Mr. Cinders said needs to be done.

      Of course I staked the screws holding the carbs to the rack. Twice.

      I considered loosening just the #3 carb to provide the needed clearance but I can't chance buggering up the fuel connectors.

      Well once again I will have to do things the right way. It's such a novelty for me.

      I can't wait to fire this thing up and zip around the countryside.

      .... ah .... the infernal combustion engine ....


        Originally posted by RetroRice View Post
        Sorry for the strong language everyone but gosh darn it I was afraid I would have to do just what Mr. Cinders said needs to be done.

        Of course I staked the screws holding the carbs to the rack. Twice.

        I considered loosening just the #3 carb to provide the needed clearance but I can't chance buggering up the fuel connectors.

        Well once again I will have to do things the right way. It's such a novelty for me.

        I can't wait to fire this thing up and zip around the countryside.

        .... ah .... the infernal combustion engine ....
        Your user name states you must have a love for these contraptions, and once you master it, you will know great pleasure....that's about as poetic as I can get...or full of horse decide


          It runs ..

          Fired up "The Gripper" (as in heart attack ~ I figure going into a turn to hot will scare me to death or the crash will) for the first time since the carb rebuild. What a pretty noise it makes.

          As I suspected I need a new gas line "T" as well as the two straight pieces that join the inboard and outboard carbs.

          Mine are the type that are no longer available. I found some new on line that look to be quite functional. They are made of metal and have grooves for "O" rings. Will they work in place of the older style?

          old_skool ~ thanks for the poetic horse feathers. If I start a band that will our name.


            Originally posted by RetroRice View Post
            Fired up "The Gripper" (as in heart attack ~ I figure going into a turn to hot will scare me to death or the crash will) for the first time since the carb rebuild. What a pretty noise it makes.

            As I suspected I need a new gas line "T" as well as the two straight pieces that join the inboard and outboard carbs.

            Mine are the type that are no longer available. I found some new on line that look to be quite functional. They are made of metal and have grooves for "O" rings. Will they work in place of the older style?

            old_skool ~ thanks for the poetic horse feathers. If I start a band that will our name.
            Yes they will, have done that in the past, actually, like them better.


              Source ?

              skool, would you recommend a particular source for the fittings?


                Originally posted by RetroRice View Post
                skool, would you recommend a particular source for the fittings?
                a lot of the Yamaha's used them on their mikuni's, some kaws, saw them pretty cheap on ebay before.


                  Z1 has a nice T connector and the other fuel rail bits.

                  If you purchased an o-ring kit from Mr Barr, which of course you did, you will find his fuel rail o-rings fit much better.

                  And don't forget to lightly grease the o-rings before fitting, they are easily damaged.

                  "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - B. Banzai

                  78 GS750E


                    Thanks all ...

                    I did indeed get an o-ring kit from Mr. Barr and I think I might actually be able to locate them.

                    I was pretty sure the fittings would leak but I just had to hear it run. So now I get to spread the carbs again.

                    Because I knew I wasn't going to take the bike on the road I did not properly secure the fuel line where it connects to the petcock. That would be the petcock that needs to be rebuilt as it never shuts the gas off.

                    This morning the garage had a much stronger than usual smell of gas in the air. The line had come off the petcock allowing the tank to empty itself onto the floor.

                    It's just like Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: "it's always something"



                      Took it up and down the street. Never took it out of 1st. Great noise and great fun.

                      New rear rubber, a few adjustments and off we go.

                      Mailing the title/plate application on the 5th.

                      Now that I'm motivated I'll mount the snazzy red plastic air horns.

                      Gosh I can't wait to annoy the HD folks.

                      Thank you all for your help.

