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exhaust popping

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    exhaust popping

    I have a 82 1100L with a 4-1 exahust on it. It pops pretty good during decaleration, i'm positive the previous owner didn't change the exhaust gaskets when he did the exhaust change. My question is, does this popping cause any damage i should be concerned with?

    The PO probably didn't rejet (or shim the needles) after putting on the new header so it's running lean. My GS does the same thing, it runs a bit lean because of the header that it came with and pops when decelerating at higher RPM's.

    Your bike could also have bad exhaust gaskets, which can cause popping when the hot exhaust touches cool air. Also, if there's a small air leak somewhere that will make it run lean in addition to the 4-1.

