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pods,filters,and then

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    pods,filters,and then

    okay i have read numerous articals online each one saying something a little different so, here goes.

    i know the air box with filters is nice and pods are better in certain cases but, i live in ny which is very moist and wont last and potentially do damage to my bike. so are there any alternatives? i do plan on doing 2x 2-1 carbs later as well. and ideas?


    says you can remove the air box completely other places i have read say no because thr air box is a vacuum sealed area



      I'm not sure what you are asking. Alternatives to what? There is either the stock airbox and filter element, or individual aftermarket pod filters.

      Are you saying that you are planning to replace the stock 4-carb rack with the "siamese" carbs? Does the intake port spacing allow that?

      Note that just about any change to intake or exhaust will require jetting changes in the carbs. Even removing the airbox cover can cause a "lean" condition that may require jetting changes. That article is not authoritative and is not written for GS bikes.

      Thank you for your indulgence,

      Last edited by Guest; 05-08-2012, 02:43 PM.


        i adk a lot of dumb questions but i know there are pods and stock air box

        1. Is there other alternatives to the above mention pods and box?
        2. Can a bike run well without a air box or with mesh stype replacement?


          you could drape a sock over the carbs intake

          but you will have to tune them, and hopefully you will get the bike to run

          it's really your choice on what you want to use or not use, but you will need to tune the bike in....based on your application



            I'm looking for the cleanest easiest lol might not be possible i was leaning towards pods just for the clean look and simple design but worried about moister


              The cleanest and easiest by far is to buy a modern fuel injected bike. Next best is the stock air box you have now.

              Life is too short to ride an L.


                is there anyway to dress the airbox up?


                  String cheese?

                  Life is too short to ride an L.


                    i cant put string cheese ill eat it


                      the reason im asking is that on the tv they had a bike with a circular air filter and mesh around like the hot rods. i know they havr million dollar builds but wanted to know if that is possible


                        Are you after a certain custom look, or do you want something that works well?
                        A custom built aluminum or carbon fiber air box could look great and work very well if it was designed right. Sounds like a lot of work to me.

                        Life is too short to ride an L.


                          trying to have a simple motorcycle with a good performance, and i guess the easiest mateince


                            Stock airbox, no brainer.

                            Life is too short to ride an L.


                              if you dont mind why? why not pods? (just being devil's advocate)

