I recently rebuilt my carbs with new o-rings from Cycleorings, Gunk dip/cleaning etc. using Paul Musser's tutorial... (Thank you Paul!). I set the float height. New bowl gaskets. I replaced one pilot fuel screw I accidently... I mean the PO accidently broke off in the carb.

I have a strong gas smell.
There is no gas in the oil.
Petcock does not leak.
No visible leakage from fuel Tee or Rails or anywhere else under or on carbs.
There is a wet end on the rubber tubes down by the rear tire... but never a drip.
I took a combustible gas sniffer around the entire engine.. the key hole for the gas cap leaks vapor, The Fuel Tee and Rails leak vapor.
The smell is strongest inbetween the carbs and up under the rear of the tank by the tank-to-frame bolt. ... vapor rising and collecting?
I never see drips or stains when driving or parked over night except for the wet bottom of the tubes by the rear tire... but that is not where the smell is strong... it really creeps out around the bottom of the tank when sitting at a stop light.
I ordered a new Fuel Tee and Rails from Z1.
Any other suggestions while I have the carbs off again? And how much smell is acceptable?