I have a 1980 GS 1100L that I traded my old Jeep Cherokee for. The previous owner had built the motor...as follows, Ape pistons, Stage 3 Andrews cams, and stage 3 jets with pods and headers ...4-1 collector on the pipe. Seeing how she was running way to rich when i got her, but drivable, i decided to take apart the carbs and clean them along with the NGK plugs in her too. I DID NOT move the idle screws what so ever!.. and once i put clean 93 in her, she fired up immediately..the only problem was that fuel was coming out the cracked float bowl seals...ordered new ones and perfect start up, lil weak though had to hold the choke on rev it a few times till she finally idled correctly and also adjusted the idle slightly till about 1300RPM at.
Now with all that being said once she was running, the only thing is that she was backfiring and "popping" but ran "ok" seemed like when you hit around 6-7kRPM she wouldnt pull any harder (not sure if this is the nature of the beast)
I decided to ride it around today...the third short distance ride so far..about 10 miles total...and still back firing.... i tried to adjust the idle air screws on the carbs and once she died out i could not get her to restart!... I peulled the plugs and cylinder 1 an 3 are fouled out and running way to rich and black in color!...where 2 and 4 appear to be normal.
i removed the points cover...as what im guessing that this bike has poins..but it doesnt???? it looks like a Dyna Ignition system with the "rotors" slightly worn out??? could this be the over all problem??? i dunno i ready to kick myself in the A@! for this one!!!!! i also ordered the carb syc tool and the service manual which should be her next week or so...ANY INSIGHT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED...AT MY WITS END AND I KNOW ITS A DUMB EASY FIX!!!!!! PLEASE HELP.
