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79 gs1000 carb help

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    79 gs1000 carb help

    i have a 79 gs1000E with 4 in to 1 , and pods, i rejeted the carb , idles and starts fine , but when you twist the wick for a frist 1/8 oh turn there is a sucking air sound and is slugest for few , i have tried to jet up and down , no change , any one have a clue

    Have you rebuilt (totally stripped down and soaked in carburetor dip) the carbs, replaced the O-rings ( replaced or thoroughly inspected the rubber boots that attach the carbs to the motor for cracks leaks or excessive stiffness,causing them not to seal, and adjusted the valves (the most important first step). The valves tighten up with use with the shim in bucket type as these are. A Dynojet stage three jet kit would be the preferable way to go because the needle taper is superior to the Mikuni stock needles for pipes and pods and will get you in the ball park right off the bat. If you have no base line with the machine running well before changing to pipes and pods, you will do a lot of tail chasing before it is over. Just ask me how I know that one. Start with the bottom fuel needles at one turn out (fine adjustment usually ends up between three quarters to one turn from lightly seated) make sure no needle tips are broken. Z1 Enterprises has replacements. The air screws on the side of the carbs are roughly twice the fuel screw adjustment from lightly seated. Adjust them for highest RPM. Then attack the main jets and needle height. Thoroughly check for vacuum leaks (boots, boot O-rings, petcock vacuum on carb #3, the other two are vents, and the vent hoses should be removed for this type of jetting).'78 GS1000E, Dyna-S ignition, Dyna Green Coils, K&N pods, Delkevic SS 4-1 exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet kit, Russell SS Brake Lines, Progressive suspension, Compu-Fire series Regulator 55402 and Advmonster cree LED headlight conversion.


      Originally posted by tbirdhd View Post
      i have a 79 gs1000E with 4 in to 1 , and pods, i rejeted the carb , idles and starts fine , but when you twist the wick for a frist 1/8 oh turn there is a sucking air sound and is slugest for few , i have tried to jet up and down , no change , any one have a clue

      everything oldvet66 sez is right.....
      ... Also I think it sounds like lack ov fuel ov too much air... Maybe upjet some more.. What did you upjet from and to? 115's (?) to ???


        hi thanks guys , hey seana23 when you said it sit sounds like lack (ov) fuel (ov )too much air , what di you mean buy OV ?? i have clean then and replaced orings , and they had 17 pilot jet, and this is how i put main jet in 125, 127.5 , 127.5 ,125 . and the needle is in the second ring from bottom, if i rmrmber right the fuel mix is out 1 and half turns, and air is out 1 and 1/4 turns .,



          Last edited by Guest; 06-18-2012, 08:08 PM.


            You need #15 Pilot jets, They don't change from stock for pipes and pods on VM carburetors.
            Last edited by OldVet66; 06-18-2012, 12:46 AM.
  '78 GS1000E, Dyna-S ignition, Dyna Green Coils, K&N pods, Delkevic SS 4-1 exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet kit, Russell SS Brake Lines, Progressive suspension, Compu-Fire series Regulator 55402 and Advmonster cree LED headlight conversion.


              hey thanks oldvet66 , thats the size that came in it when i got the bike, onle has 7000 miles on it , was in NJ and i am in FL , i will put the 15 back in it , and try it , one more thing will that cause it to idle down slow the last few rpms?


                It might when the fuel needles and air screws are set properly, yours are way off. Did you bench sync these carbs so that you are sure one of the slides isn't opened further than the others at idle? The final sync will adjust for differences in the individual cylinders but you want to start out with the same tiny reveal on all the slides to begin with. Are your throttle cables adjusted so the slides close enough to prevent a high idle? You should be able to stall the bike with the center idle adjust knob. Set it for 1,100RPM. Start with your fuel needles one turn out from lightly seated, and the air out one and three quarters to two turns. Have you adjusted the valves, the adjustment was due at 4,000 miles? Is your timing set properly?
      '78 GS1000E, Dyna-S ignition, Dyna Green Coils, K&N pods, Delkevic SS 4-1 exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet kit, Russell SS Brake Lines, Progressive suspension, Compu-Fire series Regulator 55402 and Advmonster cree LED headlight conversion.


                  the bike had sat since 1982 till i bought it in 09 i put new rings and did a top end, but did not sync, need to got one as soon as i can , i did put Dyna-S ignition , but not coils , did putting the green coils make a difference on your bike ? thaks for the help ,


                    Yes the green coils make all the difference in the world. I also used their 8mm suppression wire. I would recheck your cam timing marks, a friend of mine put two GS 750's together and got both timing marks off by a tooth. That can cause what you are describing as well, but do the other stuff first before you take the cam cover off again. The Morgan carb tune manometer is an excellent choice. No mercury or liquid to worry about.
                    Last edited by OldVet66; 06-18-2012, 12:00 PM.
          '78 GS1000E, Dyna-S ignition, Dyna Green Coils, K&N pods, Delkevic SS 4-1 exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet kit, Russell SS Brake Lines, Progressive suspension, Compu-Fire series Regulator 55402 and Advmonster cree LED headlight conversion.


                      hey ill look in to coils , and the Morgan carb tune , i was looking at some on ebay , for 120 in a case , do you know where to et the morgen cheeper


                        I don't know. Try Morgan directly.
              '78 GS1000E, Dyna-S ignition, Dyna Green Coils, K&N pods, Delkevic SS 4-1 exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet kit, Russell SS Brake Lines, Progressive suspension, Compu-Fire series Regulator 55402 and Advmonster cree LED headlight conversion.


                          Greetings and Salutations!!

                          Hi Mr. tbirdhd,

                          Sorry, I'm a little late with your "mega-welcome".

                          Let me dump a TON of information on you and share some GS lovin'.

                          I just stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

                          If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

                          Here is your very own magical, mystical, mythical, mind-expanding "mega-welcome". Please take notice of the "Top 10 Common Issues", "Top 15 Tips For GS Happiness", the Carb Cleanup Series, and the Stator Papers. All of these tasks must be addressed in order to have a safe, reliable machine. This is what NOT to do: Top 10 Newbie Mistakes. Now let me roll out the welcome mat for you...

                          Please click here for your mega-welcome, chock full of tips, suggestions, links to vendors, and other information. Then feel free to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've been collecting the wisdom of this generous community. Don't forget, we like pictures! Not you, your bike!

                          Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

                          Thank you for your indulgence,



                            thanks oldvet66 , i put the #15 jets back in, i started it seamed to run better , but did not get to ride it , will give update tomarrow ,


                              update , put #15 pilot jets in bike run great lot of power, Thanks << oldvet66 >>

