Current Conditions:
- Stock carbs (32 CV);
- stock airbox (sealed with silicone around all edges and end covers as well as good foam on the filter;
- stock foam filter;
- stock pipes;
- mixture screws 1-3/4 turns out
What has been done:
- New O-rings (boots);
- New carb O-rings;
- new boots (both airbox and intake);
- carbs cleaned (dipped for 24h 3-years ago, ultrasonically for this build) following the guides;
- float levels verified;
- diaphragms inspected (no rips, tears, or holes identified);
- new plugs;
- new plug caps;
- new fuse box [can't believe the difference this made!];
- used K&N filter oil on the filter;
- carbs vacuumed synched

What hasn't been done:
- Plug chops
Where do I go from here? I'm thinking jetting.
Here are the original spec's
GS850 (80) the specs are for the CV's
idle.................... 1050 +/- 100 r/min
carb................... mik BS32SS
id no................... 45120
bore size ............ 32 (1.26)
float height ......... 22.4 +/- 1.0 (0.88 +/- 0.04)
fuel level ............ 5.0 +/- 0.5 (0.20" +/-0.02")
VALVE SEAT........ 2.0
STARTER JET....... 32.5
PILOT SCREW ..... 3.5
PILOT AIR JET ..... #200
pilot jet............... #42.5
jet needle........... 5D57-3 (the -3 3rd notch)
needle jet .......... X - 6
pilot outlet........... 0.7
BY PASS............. 1.0, 0.8, 0.8
MAIN AIR JET...... 1.7
main jet............. #115
(Thanks first timer)
and here is what I have
Needle 5D50 [non-adjustable]
Pilot Air Jet 180
Pilot Jet 40
Main Jet 115
Needle Jet 318EX-5
[Not certain on the rest of the spec's]
Doing some reading at and the forums here, I believe the problem lies in the needle jet/needle circuit and main jet circuit due to the throttle position.
My thoughts for the jetting stems from the following charts (I added my elevation and typical riding temperature ranges).

I figured a correction factor of jetting to be 0.93 and now to cross to this chart

I should be running the following(?):
Needle ?? (Adjustable or direction to adjust)
Pilot Air Jet 167
Pilot Jet 37.5
Main Jet 107
Needle Jet same
and the best way to get these -- or am I overthinking this?