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82 gs650 l

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    82 gs650 l

    cleaned the carbs, reassembled, and i can't get it to start, if i spray starting fluid in the air box, it starts for a second and then dies, so i know it's not getting fuel, bowls have fuel, i don't think i set the screws right, i am a little unclear of exactly which screw i was suppose to back off 1.5 turns, the pilot screw? is the the one on the left back outside of the carbs on the cleaner side, or the one on the outside top?

    GS 650 GZ/GLZ (82)

    idle r/min 1100-+/-100r/min
    carb mik bs32ss (4 seprate carbs)
    id no 34300
    bore size 32 (1.26)
    float height 22.4.+/-1.0 (0.88 +/-0.04)
    fuel level 5.0+/-0.5 (0.20 +/-0.04)
    main jet #110
    main air jet 2.0
    jet needle 5C45
    needle jet Y-7
    pilot jet #42.5
    throttle valve #135
    by pass 0.8, 0.7, 0.8
    pilot outlet 0.7
    valve seat 2.0
    starter jet #45
    pilot screw pre-set (1.5 turns back (mixture screw))
    pilot air jet #160
    throttle cable play 0.5-1.0 (0.02-0.04)
    choke cable play 0.5-1.0 (0.02-0.04)

    the ones on the top " by the intakes/cylinder head" are supposed to be turned out. if you turned the ones on the back out you need to re tighten them.


      The screw to which you are referring is the one on the airbox side of the carbs, at the top middle (12 o'clock looking through the carb) of the carb intake.

      EDIT- NOT the AIRBOX side...the screw is on the top of the carb throat on the cylinder side of the carbs

      How are your valves?
      Last edited by BigD_83; 08-31-2012, 01:31 PM. Reason: correction of misleading information
      '83 GS650G
      '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


        And just what procedure did you use to clean carbs? Ditch the starting fluid ASAP unless you like to tempt fate. Understand that you need to apply full "choke" and NO throttle during cranking. Have you looked at plugs to see if they are dry? Did you ensure clear passage for "choke" system thru fuel bowl hole?
        See pic-the idle air mixture screw is the thing the red twisty is pointing to- start with it out about two turns. Note that if this screw was not out during your cleaning, stop now and head to Basscliff's site.
        1981 gs650L

        "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin



          thats what i thought, i just seated and tightened slightly the ones on the back, i thought i might have messed up which is which.

          so the ones on the top by the intakes are the only screws that need adjusting until i am syncing the carbs then, correct?



            thank you, which site is that? anything that i can read would be appreciated to better understand


              Originally posted by bikeboy929 View Post

              thats what i thought, i just seated and tightened slightly the ones on the back, i thought i might have messed up which is which.

              so the ones on the top by the intakes are the only screws that need adjusting until i am syncing the carbs then, correct?
              Regarding the presets, yes.

              For all intents and purposes there are no other adjustable bits that affect air/fuel flow. I guess your list is where things are currently set? Looks pretty much stock from what I recall.
              '83 GS650G
              '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                Originally posted by BigD_83 View Post
                The screw to which you are referring is the one on the airbox side of the carbs, at the top middle (12 o'clock looking through the carb) of the carb intake.
                There is no "screw" (or anything else) at that location.

                This diagram was meant to highlight the location of the rubber plug, but also serves well to show there is nothing at the 12 o'clock location, except the air intake passage for the enrichment ("choke") circuit.
                I do believe that you meant to point him to the pilot air jet at the 8 o'clock position, right?

                Bikeboy, Tom gave you a picture of the adjustment screws, here is one from another angle:

                He mentioned starting with it two turns out. Some of us prefer to start THREE turns out, then tune as necessary. Starting with them three turns out will add a little richness to the mixture, sort of like a "choke", letting it start easier and run better while cold. Of course, once the engine warms up a bit, you will slowly turn each screw in until you hear the engine idle speed drop a bit, then back it out about 1/8 turn and continue to the next screw. They might end up about 2 turns out, but starting rich is a bit better than starting lean.

                By the way, those screws control a mixture, not just air or just fuel. Turning the screws OUT will richen the idle mixture, turning them IN will lean it out.

                Last edited by Steve; 08-31-2012, 01:46 PM.
                mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                Family Portrait
                Siblings and Spouses
                Mom's first ride
                Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                  first off, pilot jet, the screw at 8 oclock, isn't adjustable then if i understand correctly,

                  second, this is probably stupid, but how do i get at the " idle mixture screw", there seems to be just a hole there, looks like a cap maybe? do i pull it out with a wire or something?


                    also, as you can tell, that screw wan't taken out for cleaning, do i need to take the carbs out and start over now? also, i didn't know the starting fluid was bad idea, why is that?

                    directed at tom

                    thank you


                      Originally posted by Steve View Post
                      There is no "screw" (or anthing else) at that location.

                      This diagram was meant to highlight the location of the rubber plug, but also serves well to show there is nothing at the 12 o'clock location, except the air intake passage for the enrichment ("choke") circuit.
                      I do believe that you meant to point him to the pilot air jet at the 8 o'clock position, right?

                      Bikeboy, Tom gave you a picture of the adjustment screws, here is one from another angle:

                      He mentioned starting with it two turns out. Some of us prefer to start THREE turns out, then tune as necessary. Starting with them three turns out will add a little richness to the mixture, sort of like a "choke", letting it start easier and run better while cold. Of course, once the engine warms up a bit, you will slowly turn each screw in until you hear the engine idle speed drop a bit, then back it out about 1/8 turn and continue to the next screw. They might end up about 2 turns out, but starting rich is a bit better than starting lean.

                      By the way, those screws control a mixture, not just air or just fuel. Turning the screws OUT will richen the idle mixture, turning them IN will lean it out.

                      Hey Steve,

                      That was a BIG oops on my part. I didn't mean airbox side. I was reading what was written and got my fronts and backs mixed up...thanks for pointing it out. I'll go back and edit that now
                      '83 GS650G
                      '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                        Originally posted by bikeboy929 View Post
                        second, this is probably stupid, but how do i get at the " idle mixture screw", there seems to be just a hole there, looks like a cap maybe? do i pull it out with a wire or something?
                        Originally posted by bikeboy929 View Post
                        also, as you can tell, that screw wan't taken out for cleaning, do i need to take the carbs out and start over now?
                        OK, you are making it painfully obvious that you did not do a "proper" cleaning, so I would really suggest that you pull the carbs out and start over.

                        There is a guide on BassCliff's site (you do have that place bookmarked, don't you?) that has a full guide on cleaning the carbs properly.

                        Just in case you don't have his site bookmarked, click HERE, then look in the right column, just to the right of his bike, you will see a little spinning "NEW" thingy that is pointing out your best guide to cleaning the carbs.

                        You will also do yourself a BIG favor if you replace all the o-rings in the carbs and the intake boots, by ordering them at

                        Originally posted by bikeboy929 View Post
                        also, i didn't know the starting fluid was bad idea, why is that?
                        OK, I'm not Tom, but can still give you an answer.

                        Starting fluid is VERY volatile stuff, and it is way too easy to go overboard with it. Just a little too much "spray" can give rather dramatic results, and will cost a LOT of money to fix. When properly cleaned and tuned, these bikes will seem to start by just looking at the starter button. For the ones that are a little more difficult, you might actually have to GLARE at the button, but they start SO easily.

                        Using starting fluid will only prove that you have compression and ignition, does NOTHING to help with the fuel situation.

                        mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                        hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                        #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                        #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                        Family Portrait
                        Siblings and Spouses
                        Mom's first ride
                        Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                        (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                          Ya, I was starting to the feeling that I used not the greatest guide on carb cleaning, ima pull them and off and try again, rather get them done correctly.

                          Myconcern now is that I used startin fluid 4 or 5 times to try to get it to start, is it likly I wrecked somthing now?


                            Probably not, but throw that stuff away, just to be sure.

                            If nothing went "BOOM, rattle, rattle", you should be fine.

                            mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                            hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                            #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                            #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                            Family Portrait
                            Siblings and Spouses
                            Mom's first ride
                            Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                            (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                              ok, thanks! these carbs sure come off quicker the second time

