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'82 850G - Rashed up Header - What are my Options?

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    '82 850G - Rashed up Header - What are my Options?

    So when my tire blew out and I went down a few weeks ago, my number 4 header took a bit of a beating. I think it slid into the curb at some point, not really sure how the damage happened, but it did.

    Now I don't think that there are any holes in the system, but when I was out for the shakedown run the bike sounded a bit different. A bit more tinny and high pitched. Also seemed a bit louder than I remember. Which brings me on to my questions.

    1) Is it possible that there are tiny pinholes in the pipe that I can't see, but that could still cause an exhaust leak? If so any good tips on how to detect them? (Throw baby powder on the damaged area??)

    2) If said pinholes do exist, what if any damage could be done to my engine if there is a small exhaust leak?

    3) Any way to fix them without making them really ugly and welding / wrapping them?

    And finally.

    4A) If I had to replace the pipes, would a set from an '821100E fit? I'm not worried about the rear brackets, as I can fabricate something there, ONLY concerned if the header diameter and spacing is compatible with my 850.

    4B) Would a 4-1 set for either a 8v 750, or 1000 fit the 850 head? Also if I did choose a 4-1 what sort of changes would I have to make to the carbs to tune it with the stock airbox so it will run well? I realize this can vary based upon the exhaust system, but figure something like a VH or Kerker megaphone.

    Thanks in advance everyone.

    The headers on my bike are double walled like a well made oil tanker
    this should prevent any thing like a pinhole. It is one reason stock pipes weigh so damned much.
    I suspect your are too as it is a common practice that prevents bluing.

    The tinniness may be all in your head.


      Yes, as JR says they're double walled, and hard to find, the damaged one is part of the complete muffler so a double pain. If it were me, I'd find another gash muffler assembly cut the bit off that you need and weld it back to your good muffler keeping the welded joint under the chrome cover.

      Don't say can't, as anything is possible with time and effort, but, if you don't have time things get tougher and require more effort.


        the tinny noise could be caused by the outer skin touching the inner skin and making some sort of resonance or vibration
        1978 GS1085.

        Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


          4 into 1 would probably mean re-jetting your carbs.

          If it were me I'd try to repair the pipe or ride with it scratched. I have a V&H megaphone and it's pretty loud on long trips. I put ear plugs in to keep from getting a headache. But I do like the pipe! It sounds great. Just some considerations.


            Check the connections under the bike


              Thanks for all the info thus far. I think agemax may be onto something with the outer wall vibrating against the inner wall off the pipe. I did check the connections and they are tight.

              I'd really like to replace the whole set, the H pipe is pretty rusted, not to mention the the ends of the mufflers have some cosmetic rash too.

              I'm gonna wait it out until this winter though, as I don't think any damage could be caused to the motor from this condition. Not to mention it will give me something to get for Christmas .

              I will have to look into jetting changes if I went to a 4-1 with stock box vs a set of oem pipes to decide which route to go.
              Last edited by Guest; 10-01-2012, 10:42 AM.

