I turned my bike on one day and the gas was SPEWING out of the left carb this time, it leaked a little bit while the bike was off, but just SPEWED it when it was on. So I vice gripped the fuel line and stopped for the night. So I decided that I need to up the bolts to make sure the floats were tight.
I just recently tapped it from an M4 to an M5 and now the float bowls are on really tight like it used to be. But I put them back on and when the bike is on the side stand turned off it spews just as must fuel as it did when it was turned on before. It's a non stop leak. My petcock has an ON and a RES switch, and they both let the fuel continually flow into the carbs. I am pretty sure the ON should not let gravity flow the fuel down, but I don't think this is my main issue.
The float needle should stop the fuel from coming in before the gas even gets high enough to get to the float gasket, right? So here are some pictures/videos with explanations on what I tried and what looks worn out, etc:
My floats...well float:

VIDEO: (Floats do not seem to be stuck, bounce nicely)
I kind of vaguely remember pulling off the carbs when they had gas in them and shaking it and only hearing the non-leaking side float move, what would make a totally clean float get stuck when submerged in gas?
One of my needle jets is a little banged up, would that effect anything, it also pulls out by hand...


VIDEO: (Pulling out needle jet out by hand)
Here are my needle jets, I was wondering if they are in a good state, or if that little ring around the tip could actually cause all my problems:

My floats are actually different sizes, the carbs worked great the whole time till now even with different size floats:

Here is the valve seats, the gaskets aren't torn and the insides of these guys look nice and smooth, no gunk:

So I was thinking that it was my gaskets as my first idea, but they look fine and are tightened up real nice, plus the gas should't go above the gaskets in the first place right, not just sitting there at least. The needle jets should stop the fuel intake.
I set my floats to 26.6mm (Bassclif's diagram is apparently wrong, and another member told me 26.6mm is the right place to be)
I put the needle jet and float from the non leaking carb and put it in the leaking carb and the original leaky carb is still leaking.
Right now my main ideas/solutions are:
1. Buy new float bowl gaskets
2. Buy new valve seat/needle jet/gasket
3. Buy new petcock
I was also thinking about saying screw it all and just buying these:
Here is a petcock too: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SUZUKI-GS450...198260&vxp=mtr
If anyone could give me some advice I would be eternally grateful, I really need a fresh pair of eyes to point out the obvious for me, thanks!
Here is something extra that I don't think pertains to this, when I dipped the carbs part of one of the carbs was at the fluid line and it left this gnarly line around a lot of the carb. Also the carbs used to have an aluminum shiny/smoothyness to them and now after this carb dip they are rough and feel like they are deteriorating. With a clean finger I can wipe my finger on the carb and my finger is gray and dusty:
