I've got her up and running but have a bit of a smoking issue and not quite sure what it is.
I replaced my exhaust and put in new exhaust seals as well. The new exhaust is a Mac 4-1 unit and I originally thought that I was getting some exhaust leak out of one of the headers. When looking at the bike yesterday and running her at high rpm for a bit standing there I noticed that I think the smoke is actually coming from under the bike itself.
No shortage of oil in the case but I'm wondering if perhaps I have a bad gasket down there and it's slowly leaking/cooling the oil. When the bike sits for some time I do see a spot on the driveway (currently about the size of a teacup saucer so if there is a leak somewhere I've yet to figure it out). I suppose I could tape something to the driveway to collect whatever the substance is and see if it's oil (don't think there's much else it could be).
So two questions...
1. Any thoughts onwhat my issue is or how to troubleshoot it?
2. Do you think the bike is safe to ride? While I don't mind a minor iol leak right now I certainly don't want to be in the position where I was ignoring something major and find a pool of oil coming out when I'm even 5 miles from home.
I'm still new at this so any advice would be appreciated.