Here is what I have done since I got the bike in June 2012:
1) New Battery
2) New Fuel Petcock
3) Removed and thoroughly cleaned all carbs (Dipped and used air and spray carb-cleaner to clean all passages and jets)
4) installed 4 carb rebuild kits ( All new jets and o-rings(viton))
5) set float heights to specs in Clymer Manual (22mm with vernier caliper)
6) replaced the fuel/air mix assembly and set all 4 to 2.5 turns out
7) bench synced all 4 carbs so that throttle plate is set exactly the same on all 4.
8) all intake boots are brand new, sealed and not cracked or leaking air
9) replaced Pod air filters with stock airbox (new boots where they connect to carbs) and new air filter.
10) brand new NGK spark plugs, properly gapped
I have removed and recleaned and re-synced the carbs twice now and the same results each time...
I did find a thread that mentioned even a small opening of the throttle plates could cause high RPM on idle, and my throttle plates are all synced with just a very slight gap... could this be the problem?
I also need to check if throttle cable is preventing them from closing completely, but I dont think that is the problem. i iwll verify.
Anyone have any suggestions?
the bike sounds strong, not back firing or sputtering or sensing any loss of power, it starts right up and just revs REALLY high, I dont let it run for more than a few seconds.