BTW, I have been using the VM Carb Tutorial, soaked carbs and replaced O-rings and added new fuel pilot screws and 105 main jets (to go with 4in1 and stock airbox), and checked and changed out valves to put them in spec's.
I am at the stage of tuning in the air pilots. (I started them at 1 1/2 turns out since the directions said 1 1/4 and a member on a previous thread told me to initially set them at 2 turns out.)
The new fuel pilots are all set at 1 turn out.
The bike started right up and idled fine. Turned it to 1100rpm and turned the each air screw out slowly and it increased rpm ever so slightly, but every time I open it more it seems like it slightly increases rpm (but hardly anything above 1100). At one point I started opening one up a lot, then I got a "power surge" (WAY-UP then back down) of dramatically increasing rpms.
BTW, I do not have a vacuum sinc and do not know anyone with one, so I am hoping that does not have anything critical to do with this phase of tuning. (all slides visually were the same height at fully closed and fully open)
I noticed two things that I thought may be unusual.
1.) #2 and #3 pipes were immediately a lot hotter than #1 and #4.
2.) Before I came in to type this, I reved the throttle and it did not go back to idle very quickly at all. (stayed fast)
Is there an order I should tuning the carbs in? I did them #4 to #1.
Is there a video of anyone doing this procedure?