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Gas Tank Lining
Gas Tank Lining
I bought a Kreem gas tank liner kit and I'm kinda stumped in how I'm gonna plug the holes for the petcock and where the fuel float unit it sit. I was wondering if anyone had done this and if they had any ideas on how to do it.Tags: None
Kreem has the worst reputation of the various sealers on the market. Doesn't stick well and dissolves easily. Por-15, Caswell's Epoxy, Redkote, all have a better reputation. My recommendation is POR-15 unless the metal is weak, in which case Caswell's is a better choice because it's thicker. There are tons of threads on this topic in the archives so you may want to use the search feature to learn more.
As for plugs, check this thread from the archives which contains photos showing how to plug the openings...
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I had my 79 tank coated with redkote by a radiator shop 2 years ago. Still holding up well. Cost $125.00 to do but I didn't want to F it up. I also had this done prior to painting my tank too which the shop strongly recommended.
If you're a DIY kinda guy, which most of us are, try the other suggestions.1979 GS850G
2004 SV650N track bike
2005 TT-R125 pit bike
LRRS #246 / Northeast Cycles / Woodcraft / Armour Bodies / Hindle Exhaust / Central Mass Powersport
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The best thing to do is to use a junk petcock. I've also made my own plug, using rubber gasket material cut to shape with an exact knife and a piece of wood with holes drilled in it for the two bolts.
POR 15 is the way to go.
This stuff will eat off all the rust inside the tank in just a few hours...
Shake and rotate the tank every so often to distribute the sauce. After the rust is gone you need to wash out the tank and hit it with some WD-40 or similar to retard flash rust. Use that POR-15 afterwards or just go naked.Ed
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I have passed on buying kreemed tanks, and also the bikes that had the "treatment".
It is a big seller, though, so lots of people must like it. Usually the prep work isn't done properly. As mentioned, there are other products that are better, if that's what you want to do.
I also use rad shops (ones that specialize in motorcycles, custom street rods and antique vehicles.) Never had a problem with a baked on epoxy coating. They also blast it for you first.
I figure if it's good enough for vehicles worth more than my house, it is good enough for for my needs. Not expensive, either.
Thanks for the input everyone I must have searched under the wrong section didn't see all of those topics sorry didn't mean to sound lazy. Why does it have such a bad rep? I was recommended by a few people and since I took the wrapper off to read the instructions I don't think they will take it back. I think I'm going to go ahead and try it seeing as the tank is pretty beat up and needs body and paint I figure if I mess it up with this I will just pick up a tank I like.
I just rebuilt my carbs and so I just wanted to do this one so I could ride my bike for a few more weeks and test everything out with out gumming it all up again with rust.
Has any one on here had anything good new about it? A buddy of mine recommended it to me and he has never had a problem with it.
I put it in a friends tank many years ago. It was a CM200 (what a dog) that had sat for many years. I was very careful to remove all the rust first. It was very clean when I finally Creemed it. He never had any problems with it, but he seldom rode it and sold it in a couple of years.
Key thing is to fully derust the tank before sealing. Use mirrors and look though the various openings to make sure all the rust is removed before sealing.Ed
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I have had Kreem in my 77 750 for nearly 8 years now and not so much as 1 problem. The thing with Kreem is you gotta let it set up for at least 7 days ( in my experience ) so it fully hardens all the way thru to the tank metal. Those that RUSH toe curing process are the ones that have problems with Kreem. You have got to let it cure very very very well.MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550
I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.
DO NOT use tape to seal off the holes before you use the will eat the adhesive in just a few seconds and then your paint is toast instantly. Like was said, use a junk petcock and make a metal plate for over the sending unit hole.( I used a cover plate for a 4 plug electrical outlet box ). Use the gasket to mark out the bolt holes and drill them. You can use the gasket behind the plate.
To protect your paint, use the plastic wrap method like this one i did for my 73 Yammy tank. I used white vinegar for the derusting of this tank..vinegar will not hurt the paint or eat up the duct tape. Once all was drained, rinsed, and dried ( used the exhaust side of the shop vac blowing into the tank to dry it ).. i wrapped it and cut a hole to pour in the Caswell 2 part epoxy kit and sealed the fill hole with more duct tape. Not a drop got on the paint and all was well.
MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550
I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.