The bike has no power from idle to about 4000 RPM, (have to slip the clutch and feed the throttle to it just to get it to go). Then when you have to stop the idle has gone up to about 3-4000 rpm. I have ordered an O ring kit from the USA and while waiting for it I have stripped the fork and done a polishing job on them. I just started it again and this time it started very easily but it is only running on pots 3 & 4. The exhaust on one and 2 cylinders only got just warm compered to screaming hot on on the other side.
There is a good strong healthy spark at all plugs and all cylinders are measuring over 115 lb/sq in compression. There is available fuel in the float bowl although as yet I havn't measured the fuel height.
I havn't removed the carbs yet as I have been reading the horror stories about removing and reassembling them with standard air box. Once I get the O ring set I will look forward to the epic struggle and also remove the cam cover to measure the valve gaps. An interesting note is that the bike came with a full set of brand new Suzuki carby floats under the seat so maybe the PO had been having some sort of trouble, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, regards Neil