So I recently took apart the carb assembly on my 85 550L and cleaned them, according to the instructions on the carb rebuild tutorial. I went to put everything back together this afternoon, but now I find that I didn't keep good enough documentation on which hoses go where out of the carb bodies. I'm absolutely terrified of connecting the wrong ports together, so I'd like some input on what goes where. I've made the following graphics showing what I see; link here:
On that graphic, I think point 1 on the petcock connects to point 1 on the carb body, point 2 on the petcock goes to point 3 on the carb body and point 3 on the petcock exhausts and point 2 on the carb body exhausts. Note that point 3 on the petcock is on the far side of the fuel tank on the same body as the gas gauge mechanism. Also this carb body is #2; on the right as you're facing the front of the bike.
On the left carb body (#1), there's only one hose and it exhausts, I believe.
You can see the full fiche here:
I'd really appreciate someone taking a look at their own bike and telling me how their hoses are routed.
This will teach me to take better notes next time!