First, I'm not using stock configuration, and I know this is going to make what I am doing harder. That is a given. However, I want to make this bike run as well as I can with what I have.
I'm using the stock Mikuni carbs, with the dual-intake K&N pod filters (pictured). I'm using the stock 4-2 headers with Emgo reverse megaphone exhausts.

The changes I have made to the carbs so far:
- Increasing the main jet size (I don't remember the size of the jet, I'll report back).
- Raising the needle height. I did this by moving the plastic donut from above the clip to below the clip.
What the bike is doing now:
- Idles a little high, but not bad.
- Good throttle response off the line. I can whack it open in 1st and get good acceleration.
- The bike begins to bog at 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. The engine stumbles and surges, and there's no more power.
- If I baby the throttle and open it slow and gradually, the revs will sustain higher, but it eventually bogs around 3/4.
From what I know, this is a symptom of running rich, which I'm assuming is the result of a main jet that is too large. I'll get the measurement next time I take the carbs off.