Bike has ran fine up until yesterday evening and today. Yesterday evening it seemed to bog a bit. Sort of a stutter. Also noticed that at some stoplights the idle would noticeably be up from 1100. Next stoplight 11 on the money. This morning I went out to start the bike ('80 GS1100E) and it cranked and cranked and no love. Wore down the battery, charged it up, and after more cranking it finally started. "Weird" I thought. "Maybe it was just the morning dew?" since it gets stored outside under a cover and a tarp normally but not last night. Anyway, drove it into work and parked it. Still seemed a tad grumbly at times, but overall the ride in was uneventful. So I just went out to the parking garage to hop on the bike and get some lunch... Lot's of cranking, but no starting.
So I did a little troubleshooting. Took the tank off, disconnected the hoses to the petcock, and noticed the main fuel line was bone dry. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the petcock works in sort of a push/pull fashion- the #2 carb pushes air into the vaccum line and that allows the fuel to come out the fuel outlet and into the fuel line where the carbs do their thing. Correct? Operating under this assumption, I gave the vacuum line and the fuel line a visual inspection and all looked good. So I gave a little puff/suck on the vacuum line. Should I be able to blow into the vacuum line easily? It seemed it was exiting in the linkage bit where #1 and #2 meet up judging by the little bubbling spot. Negative pressure (sucking) was like the hose wasn't hooked to anything at all.
Again- I might be way off base. Any insight would be EXTREMELY helpful. My working hypothesis is that it won't start because it's not getting fuel, and that's happening because the pressure isn't regulating thanks to something with the vacuum line. Or is it a gas cap seal issue throwing the whole pressure thing off? Half a tank of gas so the cap shouldn't really come into ply (petcock submerged and all). Help please?
Oh, and I called the wife so at least I have a ride home.
