my ignitor/CDI went 2 years ago, bought a few faulty ones off ebay -_- but the one i got the other day seems fine, good spark on the wire ends. but my biggest problem is the guy who was working on the bike had the 3 YELLOW wires cut that go to my regulator plug.
i disregarded this yesterday, left the regulator unplugged, put about 15$ a supreme gas and a drop of seafoam in the tank to turn it over and see if she starts...The mechanic had all my plug wires removed (ofcourse they are not marked) and all 4 wires to the coils unplugged....i did my best with a google wiring diagram (was a gs 750 e..not es) it starded after a few secconds, will definatly not idle, and sounds like crap when you hold the throttle open to keep it firing...
I dont want to go pulling the carbourators right away bcause i thought the seafoam would clear out the bit of buildup or gum from old gas...even though i had the gas tank removed from the bike for the last 2 years.
SOLUTIONS ANYONE? i cant even find the correct style of bike on google when i searched for firing orders and wiring really at a loss a smart guy when it comes to problem solving but i didnt take it apart so im frustrated as hell trying to fix it without knowledge
