Bit of a newbie here. Last fall I purchased my first bike, a 1980 GS450L, from a coworker who had been keeping it in his barn. I had absolutely no mechanical knowledge at the time, but with some advice I figured it was a pretty good deal ($200, sporadically running). Me and my more mechanically inclined friend have been fixing it up over the winter, and now that it's warm enough we've been test driving and sort-of fine tuning her as we spot new problems. Anyways, this website has been INVALUABLE to my project, and I've been reading the forums almost every evening learning new things. Now that I have a SLIGHTLY better grasp of the way a motorcycle works, I wanted to pose a question of my own.
I've noticed that the pipe on the bottom of the bike that connects my two main exhausts, I think it's called the exhaust coupler, is pretty bent up. Looks like the previous owner drove it over a curb or did some off-roading (not unlikely in rural Iowa), and it's bent enough so I can imagine not very much air is passing through. My question is: Is this very important? Should I replace it? What kind of problems/symptoms would this cause?
PS For your pleasure, I posted a pic I took after her first bath