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need help, wont rev past 3000 rpm
need help, wont rev past 3000 rpm
finally got around to working on the 82 550 katana I got a few months ago (a kaw triple ahead of it). the bike ran somewhat (bad)when I got it but it had been sitting for years. so after going thru the carbs and unclogging 2 pilot jets and 1 stuck float needle. and cleaning the carbs many times she still refuses to rev past 3000 rpm, about the bike. its stock, stock exhaust, airbox. the filter is good, so are the rubber manifolds. the booties between the carbs and air box are in good shape. the clamps all fit tight (I don't think any unwanted air is getting in) it has a stock I think 92.5 main and 40 pilot jets. the ignition area is clean and the advancer seems to work fine. engine has low miles and sound tight/good. all cylinder heat up at what seems the same temp. idles ok. and the same thing happens when the petcock is on any pos. inc. "prime". and the plugs look lean. and the float heights are set to the manual/21.4-23.4 , the rubber diaphrams in the carbs are in good condt. .she feels like shes starving for gas.the choke is free and unstuck, and running w/ the choke on is scary and hard to decide if runs better or worse. if any body can think of something im missing or need to check/fix ill be forever thankful . thanks in advance, tomTags: None
if the bike has been sat for a few years the carbs need a lot more than just a few jets poked clear. they need to be completely stripped and dipped for a day or so, then rebuilt with ALL new o rings, including the boot to head o rings as well, whether they look ok or not.
after that you need to run through the basic maintenance tasks like oil/filter change,valve clearance check, carb synch, ignition timing check etc etc.
by the time you have completed that lot, you should have a pretty sweet running engine.1978 GS1085.
Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!
thanks for the info. I see these on the eb. http:// .. that's the boot to head o rings. what other o rings should I be looking for, thanks, tom
thank you sir. just ordered the 24 o-ring kit, 38mm intake o rings and the set of 16mm fasteners.,, tom