Those carbs will run well with either #15 or #17.5 pilot jets. Both can be set in the 0.75 - 1.25 turns out, and still perform ok. The trick is setting them to give steady idle with clean/strong transition onto the needle. And that is where the fun begins.
For a road machine to run great, you must balance the pilot fuel setting with the needle shape and transition starting position. Fortunately, Mr Zuki did a lot of research and found a pretty good performance package. With SMALL tweaks, it can be improved on, but not by much. #15 pilots, one turn on the fuel screws, 2 turns on the airs. This will give a good starting point. Try a set of 5DL36 needles in the middle clip position. This is half a position richer than on my 900cc engine, running a modified airbox with a free flowing filter. Your mains should probably be around 115 -117.5. Mine are still 105's. On the dyno, I dropped 2 hp when running 108 mains.
FWIW, I tried 17.5 pilots and they went well, but I have the cleanest/strongest transition on #15's.
Spend more time doing the basics right, and you'll save yourself time and grief!! Just tuning to one cylinder is courting gross inconsistency.
I tried setting my pilot circuit with a Colortune too, but found the best performance was achieved on the richer side of their ideal colour. I discarded it all together for my final tuning.
Have fun.
